Wordless Wednesday

God bless, Joe Wordless Wednesday
Being a Christian in today's world is very hard. But do not let that scare you, anything worthwhile is worth working for. Being a Christian can be hard but it can also be fun. That is my objective, through my own stories, stories of my friends and a lot of plagiarism (Just kidding, only a little plagiarism.), I am going to show that you can be a Christian and still have fun!
the most wasted of all days is one without
laughter - e e cummings
Joe, you're not alone - and that upsets me. Jobs can be overwhelming for so many people that have families, church, (blogs!). I see it often and wish that I had a solution to offer. Life is so short, we should not have to spend so much of it entangled in our job stuff :(
Hang in there buddy. I prayed for you.
bar bar a is right, Joey. Life's far too short to be going crazy. The new WalMart at Eagles Landing is now hiring....close to home...and all the restaurants....you can even probably get a senior discount before long.
Bar bar a thanks for the prayers, I need them. But as for you Mr. Jimmy, if that is your real name, you are the only one I know who gets senior discounts. Plus I CANT work at Wal Mart that would be just another reason for my wife to want to go there.
Doesn't it help to hear you are not alone? You have good company.
Anyway, I've learned to redirect my focus on something that makes me feel good like family and friends, things that make me laugh, petting my animals,...just about anything that relieves stress. Remember that part in the Bible, Phil 4:8 I think, that says, think about things that are excellent, praiseworthy, admirable, etc. That's what I'm talking about. Sometimes we get caught up in the problem and let our hearts get anxious and troubled by it. No good comes of it. I've been there so many times, like yesterday. Today's better because I'm living in the moment (and it's a good moment) and I know tomorrow will take care of itself.
God bless!
I'm in the middle of a change. I'm not sure what the Lord has instore for me, but I understand that this is the time I need ti have faith more than any.
If you need a change then ask the lord and make sure you slow down long enough to listen for his answer.
I feel for that poor lion. And for you , too.
I spend my time blythly loosing my mind daily.
Of all the things I've lost, I miss that the most.
Oh that is a great picture Joe! I am sorry to hear that you are feeling that way. Uncover your eyes, it is okay! You also can't work at Wal-Mart because they don't treat their employees well and you couldn't afford to shop there!
I left a comment after yours on my blog but I will tell you here in case you don't make it back to mine...
I think a wager would be interesting, just tell me the terms :)
Hi Joe! :)
Just curious, where did you get that ticker on the right side of your blog? It's really effective.
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