Being a Christian in today's world is very hard. But do not let that scare you, anything worthwhile is worth working for. Being a Christian can be hard but it can also be fun. That is my objective, through my own stories, stories of my friends and a lot of plagiarism (Just kidding, only a little plagiarism.), I am going to show that you can be a Christian and still have fun!
the most wasted of all days is one without
laughter - e e cummings

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Is this what they call circumstantial evidence???
I saw that pic a while ago and cracked up.... So glad I never had to deal with that...
OH MY!!! I must be the only one that HASN'T seen it before ..lol I would just sit and cry probably ..lol It would be hilarious about twenty years down the raod though...lol WELL after the mess was clean.
Thank goodness they aren't!!!
Oh dear! I too would've probably sat down and cried for a good long time. But I must admit it is funny.
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