Good News!

Anyway, I have always been told if you have a problem don't complain about it, do something about it. So I have had an idea, I have been thinking about something and I wanted your opinion. My friend, Present Storm does this thing called Wordless Wednesday. That is where you post a picture and that is all, just let people comment about it. Then there is Thursday Thirteen. You tell thirteen things about a certain subject. My idea is to have a day set aside where you post about something good that has happened to you, or a friend or something that was just plain good that week. I know we do that now, that whenever something good happens we post about it. But what about the little things, the things that you would just let go and not think about it twice. On second thought maybe this is a stupid idea. I thought about calling it Super News Sunday or Marvelous News Monday, I don't know I am not good at coming up with cool phrases. Like I said, maybe it was a stupid idea.
Anyway, I am going to start with this little thing that almost went right over my head. I was at my co-ed softball game last week and the pitcher from my team asked if I had had a chance to look at his new blog. I told him I glanced at it briefly but I was going to look at it more closely when I had a chance. He told me I really needed to check it out because it was because of me and my blog that he start blogging. I took me a day or two to realize what he had said. It was because of my blog he started blogging. I always wondered if my blog ever encouraged anyone. I am not bragging by no means, I am just glad God saw fit to use my blog as an encouragement to someone. So if you get a chance go see my buddy David's blog and tell him I sent you.
I have some really good news I wanted to save for last. My brother took a few kids to summer camp this past week and three of them got saved! One of them was my sister's son, Korey. How cool is that! Good news, good news, good news!!!
So there is my first Super News Sunday or is it Marelous News Monday, posted on Tuesday because tomorrow is Wordless Wednesday and I have nothing for Thirteen Thursday.
Joe B Good News!