I took the boys camping this weekend. This is little mans first time camping, in a tent, without mama, just the guys. We had a great time. My friend David invited us to a church sponsored cookout. It was basically a wild game dinner. They had anything from rattlesnake to alligator to opossum to rabbit to mountain oysters -yummy. I stepped up to the plate and went wild, I had the wild yard bird, AKA chicken and ham and those wild free ranging baked beans were surprisingly very good. Hunter, my oldest went a little wild himself trying the alligator and the rabbit. I think he liked the rabbit he went back three times for it.
This was truly a guys weekend, not only did they have wild game but they had all kinds of shooting events. From skeet shooting to pistol competitions to a turkey shoot. All very well managed and lots of safety rules. Hunter on his first try killed one of those skeets, it won't be bothering any one any more. (For those of you who do not know what a skeet is it is just a round clay object thrown in the air by a machine. ) I even let Zach take a turn, actually I was the one holding the shotgun he just pulled the trigger.
Halfway through the weekend I figured out what the whole deal was about. It wasn't the eating or the games it was about the fellowship. I spoke to one guy who looked like Grizzly Adams, he had just finished taking his turn at the turkey shoot. He said that he loved being there getting to be in the competition but it was being around people who believed the same things he believed in that was so cool. He was right, it was cool. I guess that is why we need to go to church. We need people around us who believe the same as we do so that when the devil is trying to knock us down we have friends who can help us stand back up again.
Anyway, I hope yall had a great weekend.
God bless, Joe