"Weekend Update" with Joe B

This past weekend was our annual Disciple Now weekend and what a great weekend it was. I can not tell you everything we did but I can give you some numbers for the weekend. Keep in mind this is just for my group.
1 Game of Butt. This is where you get into a circle with a group of people and you have to keep a soccer ball in there air without using your hands. If you use your hands, miss the ball when it comes to you or you are hit with the ball you get a letter. B-U-T-T, kind of like horse in basketball. The only thing is if you are the first one to get all four letters you have to stand against a wall with your back towards your buddies and they get one chance to kick the ball at you, in the butt, hense the name. (Look, I do not make up the games, I just play them.) FYI - everyone missed the guy standing against the wall and no it was not me.
1 Tackle football game. I mention this because every year someone in my group gets hurt and it is normally me. I let these guys start off with a tackle football game. I figured if we are going to get hurt let us go ahead and get it over with.
2 Pair of sweaty boxers. The number of boxers that made their way into my pillow case without me knowing about them, at least until I went to bed.
4,537.6 cans of soda. I may be exaggerating a little but I think I am pretty close with this number.
2 Leaders. I was blessed this year; I actually was assigned a co-leader this year. This made my job so much easier. Alex is a new Christian, on fire for God and willing to do just about anything. He did very well even though it was his first time teaching at D-Now.
75 Laps on the go cart slick track at Dixieland Fun Park. I mention this because I feel like I had a target on my go-cart. I am sorer from riding or should I say bumping go-carts than I was from playing football. They kept saying something like, Bumping is racing. After about 45 laps I started getting the picture and put a few people into the wall, only in self defense, I am sure you understand. Let me make one suggestion, never have your keys in your pocket when you are racing on the slick track. Your leg will be sore for days especially when you get slammed from the side and the seat beats the keys into your leg. Not Good!
11 Tenth grade boys. I am a glutton for punishment.
7 Lessons from Gods Word. We did 2 lessons Friday night, 2 Saturday morning. We had one big blow out Saturday night and when we got back to our host home we sat and shared about the evening events. It ended with a final lesson during Sunday school.
7 The place I came in laser tag. If you seen these guys play you would understand why I am proud to have come in seventh place. They were out for blood. 7th place out of 20, not to shabby.
427 The number of times Jimmy (Being Gods) has been put on probation because of D-Now.
0 The number of times Joe B has been put on probation because of D-Now. That is enough said about that one. (This does not include the amount of times I have been on double-secrect probation. Since it was double-secrect, I did not know about it.)
2 Decisions to live a better life with Gods help. This was the best part of the whole weekend. I will not get into it much because the one guy spoke to me in confidence and I told him I would keep it between us and God. But he and his buddy had been doing some things they should not be doing and both of them said they are going to do better with Gods help. This is what the whole weekend was about.
1 warn-out old man who is glad that God would allow him to be used in the shaping of a young persons life.
I hope yall have a great week, I am going to try to catch up on my sleep.
God bless, Joe B "Weekend Update" with Joe B