Being a Christian in today's world is very hard. But do not let that scare you, anything worthwhile is worth working for. Being a Christian can be hard but it can also be fun. That is my objective, through my own stories, stories of my friends and a lot of plagiarism (Just kidding, only a little plagiarism.), I am going to show that you can be a Christian and still have fun!

the most wasted of all days is one without
laughter - e e cummings

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

  My dad looks like Homer, honest.

Everyone one says I get my sense of humor from my mom but I think I have to disagree. My dad has one of these quiet, sneaky kind of sense of humor. He will say something right of the top of his head that will just have you on the floor laughing. Of course he is getting a little older and a little slower but his wit is just as sharp. I think he is the one who has influenced my sense of humor the most in my life. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I got a lot of laughs for the girls growing up but I also got into a lot of trouble with my teachers. I used to get into a lot of trouble with my wife but now she just shrugs her shoulders and ignores me. Thanks dad.

Anyway, I don't think I have ever told you guys about my dad. He is a great guy. Quiet, until you get to know him. Would do anything in the world for anyone. The only problem, no disrespect intended, HE LOOKS JUST LIKE HOMER SIMPSON. I am telling you the truth, just like him. And since I used to get into trouble a lot, I guess you could say I am a little like Bart. We are Bart and Homer! That is what scares me and that is why I posted this picture. Maybe since I got my humor from my dad, I will get my looks from my mom and my brother will grow up to look like my Homer, a.k.a. dad. Hehe, I have got it all figured out.

Have a great day and God bless, Joe B

My dad looks like Homer, honest.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

  Another video

Well, I do not know if you guys liked my last video or not. I only had a few comments about it. But I have one more for you and yes I am in this one too. I actually like being behind the scenes but we had a little technical difficulties and had to shoot the opening scene again. The guy who we used for the first scene could not come back and do it again so I was the lucky one to take his place.

This is probably my favorite video we have ever done. It is funny AND it has a message. I know when we have a good idea for a video because God gives us an idea and it just seems to go so smoothly. This is one such video. Our youth pastor said the high school retreat was going to be call "A Reflective Life." God put the idea for this video in my head as soon as he said the name of the retreat. Some one had just given me a bedroom suit and it came with this big mirror. It was like it was all planned out for us. It is so cool how God works!

Anyway, Josh over at Youth Group videoes. com has put this video up on his website for all to see. Go by and check it out. It is the video called A Reflective Life. If you are a person who will cry at the drop of a hat you may want some tissues. I hope ya'll will like it.

God bless, Joe

Another video

Friday, March 10, 2006

  Pay a quarter and see the freak behind the curtain.

A few of you have asked why I have not posted a picture of myself, well I didn't think anyone wanted to see an overweight southern country boy. But if you must, you can go here, click on the enter button then go to the bottom of the page that comes up. Click on the video "Messy Crazy Stuff - High School Rock." I actually hate being in front of a video camera but I love making videos for our youth group. Here is a video we just made to promote our messy crazy stuff for our Wednesday night high school Bible study. Be ready, I talk like a hick and I am goofy looking. I am the guy in the red shirt. I don't want any of you hollering, "Hey Coolaid" after you watch the video either.

Once you get past all of that, let me know what you think about our video. You need to check it out quick, I do not know how long they are going to keep the video up on the website.

God bless, Joe B

Pay a quarter and see the freak behind the curtain.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

  There's no crying in baseball.

I love baseball! I enjoy going to the ball park with my family, seeing the sights, smelling the smells, eating the twenty-eight dollar hotdogs. (I said I like eating them not paying for them.)
But the other day I heard something on the radio and I was wondering if ya'll could help me understand it. They were talking about Barry Bonds and his alleged steroid use. One guy said even if Barry did use steroids it was not against baseball rules, at the time. However the United States had made it illegal to use as an enhancement drug. Here is my question. If it is illegal, does it matter if it is a rule or not? Isn't it like saying to a baseball player, "Hey you just robbed that bank." "Yeah but there is no rule about it in the baseball handbook, so it is OK."
I may be stretching this a bit but that kind of thinking is almost like saying, "I know the Bible is law but our church has no rule about that situation. So it is OK to do it." Am I wrong or am I making a a big deal out of a dumb situation? Just wondering.
God bless, Joe B

There's no crying in baseball.

Monday, March 06, 2006


First of all I want to start out by apologizing for falling behind in my blogging duties. Not that some of you care but there are a few people out there who do like to see what the Idiot is going to do next.

Anyway, there is a good reason why I have not been blogging a lot lately. I have been moving! Here is a picture of my new house. Big deal? For me, yeah I guess it is a big deal. Why the big deal you may ask? Because I ran into some problems with the last house I bought and I guess I am a little gun shy about buying houses right now.

I should be back to normal blogging activities shortly. Until then, I hope you all are doing well.

God bless, Joe


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

  Prayer requests

Hey everyone just a short note to let ya'll know that I am working on a post which is kind of long so it is taking me a couple of days to write. Stay tuned I will be posting it with in the next few days. In the meantime I need a favor. Please visit a couple blog spots and drop a line of encouragement to a few of my friends.

Jimmy over at Being God's is having a rough time. Please just drop him a line of encouragement. Jimmy is a very good friend of mine and I HATE to see friends hurting.

Stormi over at Present Storm is going to have some surgery. Please pray for her and her husband, Guppy, as they both go through this trial in their lives. Please drop by and give them a word of encouragement too.

While you are dropping a line of encouragement to these people please say a little prayer for them too. I am sure they would greatly appreciate it.

I am sorry if I missed anyone. Please let me know if you need some prayers on anything. I will make sure to add you to my Sunday school prayer list and I will make it a point to say a little prayer for you to.

God bless, Joe

Prayer requests