Try this...
Until I get a chance to post a regular post, try this. My highest is a little over 20 seconds. It will drive you crazy.
Have fun,
Joe Try this...
Being a Christian in today's world is very hard. But do not let that scare you, anything worthwhile is worth working for. Being a Christian can be hard but it can also be fun. That is my objective, through my own stories, stories of my friends and a lot of plagiarism (Just kidding, only a little plagiarism.), I am going to show that you can be a Christian and still have fun!
the most wasted of all days is one without
laughter - e e cummings
Until I get a chance to post a regular post, try this. My highest is a little over 20 seconds. It will drive you crazy.
Lately my blog has seemed to turn into a daddy blog. But do you know what, I don't care. God has given me such a wonderful gift. My wife and I were not supposed to have kids, now I have two boys. I have always heard not in my time but God's time. That is certainly the case with my kids. We tried and tried to have kids but it was not ment to be. When we finally quit trying and bought a dog that is when God said OK you asked for it you got it.
I guess it is possible but I have my doubts. Can you toss a coin up into the air and have it come down into your throat, where you proceed to swallow it?
I was sitting in the computer room the other night when my oldest son came running into the the kitchen making some sort of coughing noise and half crying at the same time. I asked him what was wrong and he said he had swallowed a quarter. I freaked, "How in the world did you do that? Don't you know you don't put money in you mouth." He said he didn't have money in his mouth rather he was flipping the coin into the air and in went into his mouth. That's when I proceeded to tell him to quit lying to me. He said he was not lying that that is really how it happened. I put my anger on hold for a minute and started wondering what my next course of action was going to be.
Is swallowing a quarter dangerous? Will it get stuck somewhere? Will we have to have emergency surgery? Can I stand him on his head in hopes that it may come back out? Either way, will it hurt when it comes out? Will he want it when it comes out, either way? If it does not come out, will it mess up his insides? If it does not come out and we go on a trip and he has to go through a metal detector, will the security guards believe him when he tells them he was flipping a quarter and it landed in his mouth?
Anyway, while I am freaking out my wife is laughing, SHE THINKS IT IS FUNNY! My son is about to have major surgery to have a quarter removed and she thinks it is funny. I tell her it is not funny and we need to head to the hospital. She tells me to take a pill and calm down. She then gets the church directory and starts calling some nurses we know. After finally reaching one of them this "so called" nurse tells my wife he should be OK just watch him and make sure he passes it without any problems. I tell my wife this nurse does not know what she is talking about and that he is going to have to have a real doctor look at him. Then another lady calls and tells her the same thing. So we wait and so far nothing bad has happened, I don't even know if he has passed the quarter or not.
OK, maybe a get a little worried about things. Things I have no control over. I used to worry a lot more about things I had no control over but I don't do that anymore. I have concerns but not so much worries. I have decided to give my worries to God. The Bible says that God takes care of the birds so why wouldn't He take care of us. I also like Matthew 6:34, it says it all,
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
So for today, don't worry be happy. Why? Because God is good! And remember, don't tell God how big your stroms are, tell your storms how big your God is!
God bless, Joe
PS. Thanks for all the prayers while I was sick. I had strep, ear infection and a sinus infection. Not to shabby.
Heads or tails?