In my last post I received a comment from
Well Woman and the one thing that stuck out was her comment about my wife. I think it went something like, "Your Poor Wife." If I had a nickel for every time I have heard that I would be a millionaire, no wait, a billionaire. Yeah, that's the ticket, a billionaire! Just because I do things a little different, I do not think my wife should get any sympathy. Hey she married me for better or worse. I will let you be the judge.
*"Sheila, I saw your husband yesterday, he was jumping from the trampoline to the swimming pool. Then I saw your son do the same thing. You poor thing."
My defense: I did it when I was young and I never got hurt.
*"Hey, I saw you husband today. He was with the eleventh grade boys. Wasn't he supposed to be mentoring them and spending the weekend with them as their disciple Now leader? I was just wondering because when I stopped to say hello they egged my car."
Sheila, "I am so sorry."
"I am the one who is sorry, sorry that you have to put up with him, you poor thing."
My defense: I don't really have one. Sorry. But I learned my lesson.
*"Hey, was that a picture of your husband with house paint all over his face and in his hair?"
Sheila, "I am afraid so."
"Everyone saw it, you poor thing."
My defense: I was an encourager on a mission trip. We were having fun. I got caught up in the moment. I will never do it again because it took me over an hour trying to get the paint out of my hair.*"Sheila, I heard your husband was jumping off a 30 foot tall bridge with a bunch of kids from his Sunday school class. Please tell me it isn't so."
"Yeah it was him."
"Doesn't he know he is too old to do stuff like that. He is going to throw out a hip or something and then you are going to have to take care of him. You poor, poor thing."
My defense: The class was calling me chicken. I had to do it to save my family's honor, see I was looking out for my wife!*"I heard Joe fell off the ladder while putting up Christmas lights. Is he OK?" Sheila, "Yeah, he just got on the ground and laid the ladder on top of him. Then he sent our son up to the neighbors house to get me. The only thing that kept me from freaking out was the fact that our son could not keep a straight face the whole time. If I could have got my hands on him, I would have killed him. Not so much for trying to trick me but for getting our six-year-old involved in his little scheme." "I am so so sorry, you poor woman."
My defense: It was a joke! Come on people, you can not go through life without a little fun in you life.
I say my wife is not a, "poor lady" I say she is rich. Rich on life! Rich for having a husband who is not a stick-in-the-mud. Rich for having someone to keep her on her toes. Rich for having someone to talk about, I mean think about it what a good way start a conversation with someone, "Did you hear what my husband did today?" So what do you say, Is she a poor wife or someone who is richly blessed for finding the perfect mate and husband who is kind, funny and loving?
Oh by the way, in June my wife and I will have been together for 20 years! My first and only. Unheard of now days. If she doesn't like what I do, she would have left a long time ago. So like I said, do not feel sorry for her. If you have been reading my blog, you know that I am turning 40 in a couple of months. So yes, I was married when I was twenty, and don't let my wife fool you. I did not marry her when she was twelve. To hear her talk she is only 32. Did I say that? Man there I go again. My poor wife, I don't see how she puts up with stuff like that. That poor lady.
You poor woman.