Thanks for the golf lesson.

This all happened around six o'clock, the guys showed up around seven. Then I got a phone call around seven-thirty. It was a buddy from church who was calling to see if he could park his truck in my parking area to try to sell it. I have a large area in my front yard where I can park about 15 cars. I also live on a main street in our town so it makes a great place to try to sell a vehicle. So jokingly I asked him, "How much do you want for your truck?"
"I thought you had a truck."
"I do, but it just blew up."
"Then just drive mine," he said.
"Man, I am not going to drive your truck."
"Joe, I have a company car, I don't need my truck for a while."
"I am telling you I am not going to drive your truck."
"Let me ask you one question. If you could, would you do it for me?"
"You know I.... Wait a minute, that is a trick question."
"That's right, you would. Let me do this for you. Besides that's what Brothers in Christ do."
Needless to say, I am borrowing my buddies truck.
Next case, I played golf the other day and I could not hit the broad side of a barn. It was the worst day of golf I have had with my golfing buddies since we started playing golf together. It was so bad I was wishing a bear would come out of the woods and end our day. Or better yet, I wished I had a pimped out golf cart, so I could hurry up and finish my round. It was a loooong day. I had told myself that I was going to take a break from golf. That was Saturday, Tuesday at work a friend of mine came up to me and said, "Have you ever seen one of these?" It was a Medicus, a golf club that will help you with your swing. I told him I have never used one but I have always wanted to use one. He said take it, you can borrow it. I won't need it for a while.
I knew there was a third story and I just remembered it. Last week, I received a check from my company for twenty dollars. I called the home office and asked what the money was for because I knew I was not due anything. I told the lady I did not want it if it was not mine. She said it was for an expense report I had sent in a couple of weeks before. I did some traveling for my company and turned in a gas ticket. Well since gas has gone up, they have a new gas rate we are supposed to use. I used the old mileage rate. You may say twenty dollars, big deal. Well it was a big deal at the time. You see I had made a calculation error in my checking account and did not have any money, I mean none! That was my gas money for the week.
What is my point? I did not ask God for any of this stuff but He decided I could use them. Some people would say, man you are crazy, it is just a coincidence. You are just grasping at straws to make a point. I say God is looking out for me. I didn't really need these things or even ask for them but God said, "Let Me do this for you." (Well maybe I needed some gas money.)
Luke 12:24, "Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!"
So let me ask you, has anything ever happened to you, big or small, when after it was all said and done you knew it was from God?
God bless, Joe Thanks for the golf lesson.